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We believe in the value of blockchain. Its potential is huge. But which coins to buy and which not?
By tracking an index you automatically invest in the winners.
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Investing in Crypto
Investing in cryptocurrencies is more than just trading. Investing is about buying cryptocurrencies for long-term gains. The Crypto Index Fund invests in blockchain through a diversified portfolio covering the complete sector.
What are cryptocurrencies?
A cryptocurrency is a key element of the blockchain ecosystem. On the one hand, it is used to reward and incentivice everyone who keeps the blockchain running. On the other hand, it is the means of payment for the services rendered by the blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are an inseparable part of blockchain protocols, and introduce a novel way of decentralized, low level, value transfer.
What is the return on investment?
As the usage of a blockchain increases, and the transaction volumes go up, the demand for the cryptocurrency of that blockchain will rise accordingly. This will result in a price hike.
Addittionally, some cryptocurrencies will over time become a generally accepted store-of-value and a medium of exchange, which will see their value increase. -
In which cryptocurrency to invest?
With blockchain being a nascent technology, still lacking in proven valuation methods or even a proper understanding of the value proposition, we believe the market is the best predictor. We build our portfolio with the largest currencies, based on their market capitalizations. Frequent revisions keep the fund diversified and up to date with the most recent market situations.